Saturday, July 13, 2013

June K Poems 2013

I’m not scared of dying;
I’m scared of living in fear.
You’re entitled to your opinion.
Just take it somewhere else.

This poetry container was started on June 4.
Poems from June 1 to June 3 can be found
in the May container of K Poems.

Theres a lifestyle that s there before you arrive
and you're introduced to it..."—Tom Waits


Shit. Looks like I’m the fool. Again.
Reefer is not like booze is it? Then
why can’t I stay away from the pipe
when I got the pot? Why can’t I just
hit it once, or twice, and go on about
my business? Because I am an addict,
and an addict is an addict. You know?


Robert Ricardo Reese: If you expect to realize your dreams, abandon the need for blanket approval. If conforming to everyone’s expectations is your ultimate goal, then expect to sacrifice your uniqueness, and, ultimately, your excellence.


Written at an awful time

I’m sure that what you are going through
is awful, just like what I am going through
is awful. There is an awful lot of awfulness
going around.


It’s hard to be honest when you are a liar.
I would be lying to myself, and you, if I
was to say that pot is good for me…


Shit. Looks like I’m the fool. Again.
Reefer is not like booze is it? Then
why can’t I stay away from the pipe
when I got the pot? Why can’t I just
hit it once, or twice, and go on about
my business? Because I am an addict,
and an addict is an addict. You know?


I ve lied and I ve been lied to

Not sure where I’m going with this one.
I want to point the finger at her.
Things change.

I like this title, but really have nowhere
to go with it but the title…


I don t know if it is the removal from pot,
or the removal from lithium that has landed
me at this sleepless spot. They are both drugs.
One is supposed to be good for you, and the
other is illegal. Both have not worked for me,


Profound K Thought of The Moment:

You can’t say that you are bohemian.
Either you are or you’re not, and you
don’t have much to do with it.


Dream is over

It is easy to give up a dream. Just start dreaming about
something else. We all can’t be what we want to be, so
we should try to find happiness where we are.


I read the news today

Dog pumped up on the drug that Hitler’s doctors shot him up on daily, methamphetamine, jumps electronic gate and attacks an innocent Martian who had landed by there looking only for peace and love. But…the Braves won!!!


I now realize I was so fucking angry and so discontent with myself that I just said the most spiteful thing that I could.
--Fashion Designer John Galliano


What I m going through

What I am going through
might seem familiar to you
because you have gone through it, too.


The only prayer I remember from my younger days,
in The Catholic Church, is The Lord's Prayer. I've been
praying a lot for our friend, Lil Reg, today and I prayed
The Lord's Prayer many times today. It really is a great
prayer and speaks to me greatly now that I have slowed
down and listened to it.—K


Should I say oops or talk about choices?

 I’m a great mind.
 Well, I was a great mind
 but I blew my mind
 with drugs and alcohol.
 I shattered the doors
 of perception, but when
 I knocked on Heaven’s Door
 it was closed.


If they’re dying over there

you could be dying here.
Everybody wants to be free.
Freedom must be defined;
it’s not the same thing to everyone


There must be a reason for this

The Lord let me keep
my teeth through all
the blacked out drunken brawls,
thus letting me keep my smile.


What more could a man want?

Like Neil Young, I am growing old.
Except for my back, I feel better
than I have ever felt. I am in love
with a wonderful woman; my kids
are happy, and healthy, as well as
my grand kids; I have food to eat,
and beautiful shelter. What more
could a man want?


Neil, as I am sure you well know,
 a man doesn't need a maid; a man
 needs love just like a woman.

 --Mikel K

 It's hard to make that change
 When life and love turns strange.
 And old.

 To give a love, you gotta live a love.
 To live a love, you gotta be "part of"
 When will I see you again?

 Neil Young



I don’t know what tomorrow might bring
but I’m about to buy her a ring.


My God is good;
I hope that he is working for you, too.

(I see my God as A Higher Power,
who I choose to call God. I have no
idea what he, she, or it looks like. I
just know that when I have faith that
a power greater than myself is running
the show, things work best for me. A
life run on self-will, in my case, is one
that will run amok.--Mikel K
Before I snore

I don’t count sheep at night when
I go to bed. I count my blessings.
I might need someone to lay their hands on me

I start the day by activating
my massage chair hoping for
some relief from a pain
in my back that feels like
someone has stuck a knife
in the middle of my back.
I have been going to a chiropractor
for months. He never uses
his hands to make adjustments
just machines that I lay on.


Lately it occurs to me

The first albums that I bought
as a kid, back when albums
were albums, were, "Pearl,"
by Janis Joplin, and "The Low
Spark of High Heeled Boys,"
by Traffic. I bought these albums
at a sale in back of a police station.
I am listening to Traffic, right now,
as I type this. Funny how some
things never change.
There is a lesson in this

I can’t always get the earth to move.
Often I can’t even get the refrigerator to move.
The wants to escape artist

The turtle eats quickly
and then spends the rest of her time
trying to escape from the feeding container
where she finds herself twice a week.


There is a lesson in this

I can’t always get the earth to move.
Often I can’t even get the refrigerator to move.
We’ve got to keep it together

Bit by bit. Piece by piece.
Searching for peace.


Move On

When you feel that you can’t
carry on; that is when you must
move on


But it moves me

Let the music take your soul
It’s only rock and roll.


One hand three dogs

Morrison comes up and sticks his nose on my knee
as I am typing my morning poems. I scratch his head
and give him a spine rub. Dylan comes up and sticks
his nose on Dylan’s back. I take my hand off of Morrison
and start petting Dylan’s head. Penni comes up and
pushes Dylan’s head away wanting my hand to be on her.



He is down to skin and bones;
all muscle gone, all faith that
there is hope faded. The Doctors,
so far, can find nothing wrong.
People are praying for him
and I have faith that his tides
can be reversed: Oh Lord, please
help my brother Tommy return
to good health.



He is down to skin and bones;
all muscle gone, all faith that
there is hope faded. The Doctors,
so far, can find nothing wrong.
People are praying for him
and I have faith that his tides
can be reversed: Oh Lord, please
help my brother Tommy return
to good health

Even doctors are imperfect

He keeps telling them what is wrong with them.
"I took too much niacin," he says to doctor after doctor,
and each one shakes his head saying, "No, that is not it,"
but they do not come up with anything that is it.


A note on hitting like

I like when you like
what I write. It is payment
in lieu of the big bucks
that I am not making
with the words!!


Today is a new day

and we will see things
that we have never seen before
though we may not realize
that we are seeing them.


Not hands on

I laid on three different tables, this morning
at the chiropractor's office. On the last table
the good doctor laid his hands on me, giving
me a sort of massage. My brother says that
giving full adjustments is hard on a doctor's
hands, so as they age they rely more on machines.


George Harrison sings to me

as he does many mornings.
He has become my favorite Beatle.
I find his spirituality refreshing.
I have three dogs, two cats, a bird,
and three turtles gathered about me
in this room that I call a home office.
My middle name is Francis
and I am reminded that St. Francis was
the patron saint of animals.

Mikel K


Francis of Assisi was a poor little man who astounded and inspired the Church by taking the gospel literally—not in a narrow fundamentalist sense, but by actually following all that Jesus said and did, joyfully, without limit and without a mite of self-importance.

St. Francis really believed what Jesus said: "Announce the kingdom! Possess no gold or silver or copper in your purses, no traveling bag, no sandals, no staff" (see Luke 9:1-3).

--Leonard Foley, O.F.M.


Who are they?

We were talking about them yesterday,
those “they,” who we blame for everything.
Who are they exactly?


No need to re-write

Hunter Thompson is dead.
He put a bullet in his head.
Can you imagine being
his son finding him in the kitchen?
I heard the son blew off rounds
from a shot gun outside the house
after he found his daddy dead.
Maybe his dad’s death didn’t
bother him like it bothered me.
You never know if you can believe
what you read in the magazines.


Monotony Multiplied

Forever staging pictures you look
in the mirror and don’t see you.

It’s what they do

Some people write books.
Some people sing songs.
Some people paint pictures.
Some people work on their car’s engine.
Some people grow gardens.
Some people walk their dogs.
Some people feed their turtles.
Some people kill others for their money.


My penis has sleep apnea

It snores and keeps my lover
awake at night.


Does five billion dollars make you happy?

Then why you still have to sell high
pay low?


He looks in on me the eyes of God

A bird is perched on the telephone wire
across the street outside my window.
He has his eyes on me as he sings a beautiful song.

Mi espanol no es muy bueno.

Yo vivo en una casa
con mis amgios Joan y Tommy.
A noche playamos Yahtzee
y tiene mucho hambre para la cena.
Nosotros tenemos tres perros, y dos gatos,
uno loro, y tres tortugas. Hay mucho
amor en nuestra casa! Yo espero
que yo y usted tienen una dia muy bueno!


Good Sugar

Her lips are so soft.
I like to place my lips
on her lips first thing
in the morning
and then at regular intervals
during the day.
“That was some good sugar,”
I will often say to her when
our lips have parted.
I am blessed to have her
in my life.
